NHIS Double July 9/10


New member
Just wanted to say that there are a few of us Cannucks coming down for this event. Any of you IT.com folks, please come buy and say hey (beers on us) Just look for the Vantage bunch or our identical red/white CRX's.

Bruce McNutt ARMS #25
Nova Scotia
No worries, we'll wave as we go by... <very big evil grin> - GA

Edit: Hold on to your hollyhocks...I just reread the post! If you're a-bringing the Canajun beer along, I'm all for cross-border relations and all that stuff...After you, kind sir!!

[This message has been edited by GregAmy (edited June 11, 2005).]
Glad to know that you lot are coming. Please try to convince Derek that cars are to be passed, not pushed.
I seem to have overcome the fuel starvation problem that got me in his way last time, but I'm getting the car ready for the Nelson Ledges 12-hour so I'll just be there to watch.
Best Regards - Bill Miskoe
Hey Bill Miskoe,

Did you used to race a black 240z way back in the day? Many years ago (1990?), I paddocked next to a guy at Bridgehampton that had a black 240z w/ 'Iron Dragon Racing' on it.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
Originally posted by GregAmy:

Edit: Hold on to your hollyhocks...

ack! a Derek Daly quote here on IT.com? The horror!

[This message has been edited by 16v (edited June 14, 2005).]
I've always thought that SPEED fired him for saying that!

What in hell are hollyhocks anyway???

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
thank god it wasn't what I thought it might be greg...I almost didn't click on that link!

But...now the phrase, as it relates to auto racing, makes NO sense!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by lateapex911:

But...now the phrase, as it relates to auto racing, makes NO sense!

then again, neither does Daly 99% of the time.
Originally posted by Bill Miller:
Hey Bill Miskoe,

Did you used to race a black 240z way back in the day? Many years ago (1990?), I paddocked next to a guy at Bridgehampton that had a black 240z w/ 'Iron Dragon Racing' on it.
I've had a few black Z-cars, some at Bridgehampton, though not till after 1994.
Now I have a red/yellow 280Z.
I hope I didn't do anything too outrageous at the Bridge.
Best Regards - Bill Miskoe
Bill, the 12 hour would be awesome. Many of us dont venture South of the border very much, so this double event will be fun. Not as much track time as we are used to, but fun nevertheless. Drop by for a cold-one, because I owe you one anyway. Just look for older Southwind Motorhome & 2-car trailer.

I'll be battling with Derek this Sunday at AMP (Nova Scotia). He's tough, but if I'm running good, he shouldn't be a problem (I shouldn't say that - he's probably watching IT.com!)

BTW, there will be at least 7+ of us Cannucks coming down to this event. A bunch of us racers got together and decided to do a group event somewhere within a 10-12 hour drive. NHIS seemed to be the logical place. I would also like to suggest that any of you Northeast racers could do the same and come up to our facility. What you would get is tons of track time, very friendly people and lots of fun.

We are planning on doing the same at a 3-hour endurance race at Mosport in September.

[This message has been edited by racer-025 (edited June 16, 2005).]
Hi Bill,
Sorry about the push,Just with a full course yellow out,passing was not an option,just wanted to "help you along"
so to speak.
Please drop by during the Roast.
Originally posted by irondragon:


Maybe it was a liitle later than 1990. IIRC, there was also a guy there w/ a red 300ZX, paddocked next to us. I had a yellow AW11 MR2 at the time.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
It looks like 2 of us (including myself) are not going to make to this event. Too much work getting in the way. Rats! The Vantage crew should be at the track tonight. At least they will have some fun.
I'm thinking about leaving the car at home and bringing up a boat instead. Any takers on pontoon boat racing this weekend?

Rob Breault
ITA BMW Z3 #36
That will save me some money on my Hoosier tire budget so sure, why not?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Good afternoon Racers,

It has come to our attention, that this weekends event might be short staffed in the flagging department, ther are events at LRP, the Glen and mount Washington. this does not usually happen.

If the minimum corner staffing levels are not met the event could be held up until they are.

I am asking any competitor who will be attending to keep an ear open incase we are short. any licensed driver is qualified to work a corner and we may need your help.

I know we could all help each other and work together by taking turns staffing corners. a couple of sessions is all someone would have to work to make the weekend run smooth.

with some luck we'll be ok
thanx brian m
I'll be glad to help in a corner if it is needed. I don't mind at all. The only request would be allowing time around my race to get ready.

Rob Breault
ITA BMW Z3 #36