NHIS RAL weekend, Sprint races...


New member
ok with all these guset superstars racing we have decided to bring out a guest superstar in my ITB Audi (Provided things go ok this weekend) for the sprint race. I can not devulge his name as of yet as we are "still working on a contract" lol... Ok Just kidding its My dad!!! Be nice to him, he hasn't run a sprint race all year, but he is looking to win as he still feels he can kick our buts!!!

On a side note, why so little entries throughout all classes? are people just waiting for the last minute or are people bailing out on this race?

...why so little entries throughout all classes?[/b]

- NERRC only, no NARRC points
- NARRC event at LRP the weekend before
- Enduro on Saturday, effect on car for Sunday sprint? (i.e., I don't own a Miata)
- Only a one day sprint race (~45 mins track time, max?)
- Double Regional NARRC event there two weekends later for the same price
- Hotels more expensive (peak tourist season)
- Gasoline is attrocious right now (can you say "7 mpg"?)
- Getting to the end of the racing year; time and money is being rationed...
- Any others I missed?

It simply comes down to "value for the money"...