NJMP Lightning Video? line? tips?


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Headed to NJMP for the first time next week...

Anyone have a good vid they can point me to? A Youtube search returned a mixed bag...

anyone double apex the lightbulb?

any tips or tricks I should know?

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My one suggestion would be to not wreck the car...................

Come on, you weren't expecting that????

I have three videos on Video.yahoo. Do a search on my name. I don't think double apexing the light bulb is the way to go. I go in wide and fast, and scrub off speed in the first part of the turn very similar to turn one at NHMS, then power out of it.

Good luck with the car!!
I'd second what Jeff says. Further, I *think* there are a number of ways to handle the light bulb. It seems almost NASCAR oval trackish in that it can be driven differently from car to car, almost like it has "grooves". Perhaps it's not multi banked, but it seemed to me that it was rather car dependent.
I have two on my youtube channel -


Look for the Sept 15 ones. I am a newbie, but did pretty much follow the "standard" line. The video is conveniently easy to follow because my car is not fast ;).

It is a really nice flowing track, reminded me a bit of Lime Rock and gave me a big smile all day long. :eclipsee_steering:

Mind the 90 deg left after the bridge; the dirt around the curbs is worn, bent a wheel at, if I remember correctly, the exit curb. Not sure how to best take the light bulb, I think it depends on the car's power.

Turn 5 is blind - right-hander over the hill crest; head straight towards the entry curb on the left, brake, turn basically on the curb and aim for the beginning apex curb as you come over the hill.

There are step by step instructions (way better than my explanations) at

http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1042888 .

Enjoy! Hope to be back to that track next year!

Great fun little track... did an enduro back there this summer, really enjoyed it!

The section from 2 - 6 is a blast - if you can get the line right, and have the balls to WOT it over the crest of 5, you can really embarrass some bigger cars there. Passed a DTM Volvo there once in a mild ITS car... not to mention being held up by AS cars... :D

The Lightbub and 6/7 are the tricky ones, and there's speed on the exit to the front straight too. Took us GPS-based analysis to figure it all out. No point tracking out of 6 - just adding too much distance to benefit from marginal speed increase (even in aforementioned ITS car - actually 944Cup). But you definitely have to track out wide from 5 entering 6. Same drill leaving the Lightbub - track out the first time, but after that no point tracking wide onto the front straight (by pit-in) - just wasting time driving the extra distance.

As for the 'Bub - we tried both ways. No point running the high line on entering. Better to stick it mid-track then apex, and easy to pick off people running high on entry. I found it a bit of a challenge to get the apex early enough to carry all the speed I could - just tough to find references. Maybe that'll improve with time.

Make sure to straighten out 8, too, going up the hill/exiting 7 - that was potentially a coupla tenths there.

Surprising how fast 1 is - too a long while to get up to speed there, 'cause it's so blind. Surprising how much speed you can carry through 2, also...
