Northeast ARRC group parking


New member
If anyone in the Northeast would like to paddock as a group, please send me the required info ASAP and I will forward the info onto Fletch in one email.
From ARRC parking thread:
Basic information needed will be: Your Name, telephone number(s), ETA, Your paddock request. We will need such info as length of trailer, with and without tow vehicle, number of race cars, size of canopy, and desired paddock location. If you are requesting a group space, we need all of this information for each person. Make sure everyone in your group if aware of your request. If space is allotted for someone as part of a group, they must park with that group.
Also, If you konw anyone that's going that does not use this forum but would like to be part of the group, just get me the info.
Ray Lee Chee
[email protected]
Ok people. I have a few takers but if there is anyone else out there who would like to join the group, please send me the necessary info by this coming friday 10/29.
[email protected]
Thank you all.