Northeast Pro IT Race Series


New member
I figured this would be of interest and help with winter racing withdrawl. The Jersey Racing Board has put together a very cool Pro IT series that will be conducted in the '08 season. There's going to be six events and each event will pay prize money and trophies with the champions receiving some serious dollars at the end of the season, including a champion's jacket and major trophy. (no mugs)

Kudos goes out to Driving Impressions who is a major sponsor of the event and supporting the organization of the series. A bunch of the events will be held at the new NJ Motorsports Park venue and if you haven't checked out the track, go to the site. This place will rival WGI and VIR.

Check out the website - this should offer some significantly longer track time than some of the events we had last year. I think some of the big bore races I was in lasted about 19 minutes at LRP.

Will you IT guys let me run my SPO car while I'm working on the Boxster? :blink:
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I figured this would be of interest and help with winter racing withdrawl. The Jersey Racing Board has put together a very cool Pro IT series that will be conducted in the '08 season. There's going to be six events and each event will pay prize money and trophies with the champions receiving some serious dollars at the end of the season, including a champion's jacket and major trophy. (no mugs)

Kudos goes out to Driving Impressions who is a major sponsor of the event and supporting the organization of the series. A bunch of the events will be held at the new NJ Motorsports Park venue and if you haven't checked out the track, go to the site. This place will rival WGI and VIR.

Check out the website - this should offer some significantly longer track time than some of the events we had last year. I think some of the big bore races I was in lasted about 19 minutes at LRP.

Will you IT guys let me run my SPO car while I'm working on the Boxster? :blink:
Ben, I'm a big proponent of PRO IT, it's a shame that I'm on the western side of PA. I can only hope they will a ProIt race at Summit Point and Watkins Glen.
Yup - Summit and WGI would be excellent - I think the MARRS folks might have some interest in the NJMSP races - hopefully we can see if this can be extended to those tracks. The draw for this series may be more towards the southern NARRC drivers and the northern MARRS drivers.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Glen - smoke that field :-)

Too bad about IT7? What happened to IT7?

The 2008 rules are based from the Atlanta Region Pro-IT rule. The biggest change was the expanded the prize payout.

The rules state IT-7 isn't included. Well, OK, they state that the IT-7 class will run with ITA cars. If I had top line power, (Thought to be 105ft lbs, and 125 whp) I'd still be a long way from the frontrunners cars which have numbers like 140+ ft lbs and over 150 whps.

In the NE this year there is (finally) an IT7 class. I know Atlanta region had IT7 as a specific ProIT class recently, but it appears they folded them into ITA for the Pro. Not sure why.

Anyway, I'm just saying that if I'm racing for money, I'm thinking that bringing a knife to a gunfight, and paying to to so, isn't going to fly with the RX-7 guys.

And that's need to do the numbers to make the series work for you. I'm just saying it sounds like fun, and I wish I was able to join the fun, but I'm smart enough to know I'd be doing all the spending, and have no chance to make a cent.
The prize payout per event is top 10 finishers. Year end is top 8.

Two of the items that came out of the NARRC meetings and conversations was the need for more track time and interesting formats. From the feedback we received we fit both with this series for IT and SM.

This is the first year, we can always improve it.

Thanks for the comments.
The rules state IT-7 isn't included. Well, OK, they state that the IT-7 class will run with ITA cars. If I had top line power, (Thought to be 105ft lbs, and 125 whp) I'd still be a long way from the frontrunners cars which have numbers like 140+ ft lbs and over 150 whps.
Well, you ARE lighter.... :)

And that's need to do the numbers to make the series work for you. I'm just saying it sounds like fun, and I wish I was able to join the fun, but I'm smart enough to know I'd be doing all the spending, and have no chance to make a cent.

Hey, you DO have an ITA car!

Bring your RX-7 buds, create the demand, and get your own class for 2009!!!
I'm just saying it sounds like fun, and I wish I was able to join the fun, but I'm smart enough to know I'd be doing all the spending, and have no chance to make a cent.

Bring that 911 down, it would be a lot more fun on the track.:D I had a Porsche for a street car...hated it. It was a pain in the ass to get in and out of and when I was in it I was driving to fast in it.;)

BTW what a BMW MS?
Our Series Rules Have Been Approved!


We are there, the rules have been approved!! Darrell is incredible, he has worked incredibly hard and got things done in such short time. In the coming weeks you will hear about sponsors coming on board. We will keep in touch.

We are very proud to be a sponsor of this series.

Robert Zecca