Nov. 10 NASA HPDE at LRP


New member
Based on part of the discussion regarding the NASA 2006 Nationals and the lack of competitive events in the NE region, I was talking with Joe Lee the NASA regional director.

They would love to see some SCCA racers out there whether for seat time or to instruct.

Keep in mind this is LRP and noncompetitive events have stricter sound levels so not all of our race cars would be welcome (as I found out earlier this year with PDA and was asked to leave at 95db...) but it gives me a good chance to stretch the STi's legs some.

To sign up for just running go here:

If you have years of track experience or have instructing experience contact Joe Lee directly regarding instructing opportunities: joeleejr [at] yahoo [dot] com

Experienced racers are always welcome at these events to lend their knowledge to those just starting out with their passion for performance driving on road courses. You will be sharing competitive track conditions with many of them at some point in the future - get a hold of them and influence them before they show up at an SCCA school.

NASA HPDE's are non-competitive educational events. Passing is limited based on the level of the run group, bring your daily and have fun at the track with fellow enthusiasts instead of another day in the cubicle!
Ed, on the NASA site it mentions that there is a run group for HPDEs that allow passing everywhere. Based on the NASA LRP events I've gone to in the past, this run group is not used. Is this something that NASA N.E. does from time to time at HPDEs? Or even for instructor groups? I can see where this could create issues but it would be fun.
It varies by region and by track.

For instance I think HPDE 4 ("instructor" group) at Summit Point with Mid-Atlantic can pass anywhere there is a point by. I don't recall all the details of NE and their tracks - but any limit that HPDE 3 or 4 have is in areas where you really wouldn't necessarily want passing in a noncompetitive event and car prep - I believe those run groups have always found the passing areas substantial and adequate.

In all HPDE groups a point by is always required - while I personally feel that the advanced and instructor groups as result can decide for themselves between the passee and passer whether or not both want to conduct a pass in any given area - I also respect the process and procedures in place by the sanctioning region.

It has been a year since NASA-NE was at LRP so I don't recall. With PDA I think the only place advanced and instructors couldn't pass is the uphill, downhill and (as I found out through a black flag) the left hander.

I agree though it does add to the experience when passing in these groups - like taking my friend's Evo MR past an Ultima that kept braking on the downhill for no apparent reason. Though after three laps behind me he did take the lesson that the downhill will hold you and promptly returned the favor two-fold.

