NYSRRC Banquet Report & Photos


Thought the Board might be interested in seeing the info of the NYSRRC Banquet held Nov 27. http://www.nysrrc.org/04banquet/2004Banquet.html and http://www.nysrrc.org/04banquet/index.html Hope that works Congratulations to All. Our team driver was Honored with the John Chave award. Besides this will let Father Brag a little

Tom Weaver: Logistics & Technical Support Manager IE truck driver for 1980 RX-7 ITA #63
"Hemi Haulin' Rotary"
Originally posted by lateapex911:
Nice job guys! (I know who to call the next time I lose an engine!

Well We have a pretty good stash of parts so if your at Watkins Glen and need a spare we have very resonable rental rates
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and receives many racing parts
I just received my second place trophy for NYSRRC! I am very excited to get it. Unfourtunatly becaseu of work I was unable to attend. I am very gratefull that they mailed it to me though!

Congrats to Phil Hunt for taking the number 1 spot in NYSRRC for ITB in his golf!

Stephen Blethen
ITB Audi Coupe
NARRC 2nd place 2004
NERRC 2nd Place 2004
NYSRRC 2nd place 2004