Originally posted by davew:
Alternative to keep legal is to install an obd-1 board into the original obd-2 box and then run conversion harness/plugs to make it work.
Originally posted by jlucas:
If it is legal it would make my life a lot easier as I'm currently looking at having to swap OBD connectors as well as the board (OBD2 connectors onto an OBD1 board into the stock OBD2 box connecting to the stock OBD2 harness).
Originally posted by jlucas:
Thanks, actually that does help. I don't want to use a P28 but I'll probably make one with a P72 OBD1 board.
Jeremy Lucas
Originally posted by jlucas:
why P72? Because it's for a Prelude, not a Civic and the Lude has 2 stage intake manifold like the GSR.
Originally posted by TypeSH:
My mechanic, Todd Marcucci, has already been in contact Hondata about putting their OBD1 P28 inside our Prelude ECU. Another option we have is the AEM EMS.
Originally posted by stevel:
What class are you running a Prelude in??
Originally posted by TypeSH:
I think the secondaries are open by default. I tested this by unplugging the vacuum line and they stayed open all the time. By keeping them open all the time you would be losing power down low under VTEC but I doubt you would be spending much time at those low RPMs.