OK all you vast self-proclaimed Mazda gurus, here is the problem…
At Thunderhill the corner workers and officials alike all said my 1st gen 7 was making their ears bleed, their complaints were understood considering all I had behind my header was a 1 foot section of 2 ½” pipe into a dynomax strait thru bullet glass pack then another foot and a half of 2 ½” coming out in front of the right rear tire..
In 1983 I had the pleasure of standing downstream from the corkscrew at Laguna when the Mazda GTP car came thru so I know that sound, have you ever cut thru a 16 Penney nail with your skill saw?
So here’s the test.
One pro builder tells me a big single short pipe is sweet, another says two 2” to 2 mufflers is the best, yet another proclaims that without going all the way to the back im never going to achieve 93 DB which is required for Laguna seca in the AM.
Enter my vast pool of Mazda gurus and lead me to the promised land…
Daryl Brightwell
ITA Mazda #77
At Thunderhill the corner workers and officials alike all said my 1st gen 7 was making their ears bleed, their complaints were understood considering all I had behind my header was a 1 foot section of 2 ½” pipe into a dynomax strait thru bullet glass pack then another foot and a half of 2 ½” coming out in front of the right rear tire..
In 1983 I had the pleasure of standing downstream from the corkscrew at Laguna when the Mazda GTP car came thru so I know that sound, have you ever cut thru a 16 Penney nail with your skill saw?
So here’s the test.
One pro builder tells me a big single short pipe is sweet, another says two 2” to 2 mufflers is the best, yet another proclaims that without going all the way to the back im never going to achieve 93 DB which is required for Laguna seca in the AM.
Enter my vast pool of Mazda gurus and lead me to the promised land…
Daryl Brightwell
ITA Mazda #77