oil cooler + accusump + relocation

okies here is the deal I have the oil relocation kit (permacool). the accusump I just ordered (2qt capacity). and my friend is dropping off a setrab oil cooler with lines this weekend. now exactly to I run everything so oil still goes to the filter and cooler and when pressure drops the accusump can function properly.

For reference this on a sohc KA.
okies here is the deal I have the oil relocation kit (permacool). the accusump I just ordered (2qt capacity). and my friend is dropping off a setrab oil cooler with lines this weekend. now exactly to I run everything so oil still goes to the filter and cooler and when pressure drops the accusump can function properly.

For reference this on a sohc KA.

You'll find that pretty clear instruction come with the Accusump
Here's my engine end

I forgot to include the fact I ordered a remote thermostat from jegs as well. The picture is helping me in drawing up the placement of everything. As of now I'm putting the oil filter mount where the original overflow bottle used to be. Pics should be coming up once I get back from mexico this weekend.
just avoid having any right angle turns on the main flow paths if you don't need them...............