Bill Miller
New member
Driver of this car supposedly walked away w/ only a broken shoulder balde. Track was Puttnam, I believe
Originally posted by vwmann1@Oct 22 2005, 10:41 AM
That sure set the tone for the rest of the weekend for the guys in my group...... The grass was still wet since the sun had not come out so he has along for the ride once he was off the track. I couldn't belive how far he slid. I had heard about the fence post but to see the pic sure does make you think twice.
Originally posted by planet6racing@Oct 27 2005, 08:39 AM
I now understand why that track is not SCCA approved...
Originally posted by Racerlinn@Oct 27 2005, 10:27 AM
The T10 outer guard rail was eventually changed and moved back from the track surface. We would love to run there, but the track management was decided that NASA is their future as far as a non-marque club racing organization and currently has no interest in having SCCA run there.