Our Prayers have been answered!!!!

Originally posted by gsbaker@Jan 9 2006, 04:24 PM
Doesn't matter.  I still can't keep them straight. ;)

Oh that's easy. One is a big sissy and one is a blooming idiot. :D
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Jan 9 2006, 01:46 PM
Seperate log-ins for the Blethen Boys???



I am using my GF computer so it actually let me create a different user name! Only 1 user per computer... that was the old issue!

I still don't have internet since it is a minimum of $40.00 per month to get and I just can't justify that much money!!

How did you know anyway??
C'mon, they aren't THAT bad :) You should try crewing for them!!

They really are a lot of fun & keep me on my toes!

Tom Gray
crew cheif
OK, here's MY way of keeping them straight....

The sissie is the one with the glasses....and his name matches the first letter of "Sissie"....

The blooming idiot is ...well, the other one! Duh..

And the crew are the ones rolling their eyes, and the crew Cheif, rols them in BOTH directions!

The trouble is that they are ALL really nice guys, so it can be tough to differentiate.

Originally posted by SBlethen50@Jan 9 2006, 07:06 PM

I still don't have internet since it is a minimum of $40.00 per month to get and I just can't justify that much money!! 

c'mon man! pull up the skirt and get an internet account :happy204: :023:
You all think you have a hard time differentiating between the two and keeping track? Think of what it was like to raise those kids!!!! Actually, they were quite easy to raise :happy204:. Being their crew can't be any worse than crewing for the father figure :unsure: ... Tom and Randy can relate to the early years.... B)

The haggard Mom of the two "handsome", "wonderful" twins ---- :happy204:
Originally posted by Bob'sAuto@Jan 11 2006, 11:23 AM
The haggard Mom of the two "handsome", "wonderful" twins ---- :happy204:

There you have it a totally unbiased opinion. :D

Raymond your blushing. :P
>> Only 1 user per computer... that was the old issue!

Nope, it wasn't really. What happens is this forum sets a cookie in your browser. So that next time you arrive it thinks it knows who you are. All you had to do is click "logout" and then create a new user. You can do this as many times as you want. You can have numerous users per PC.

The forum app will then remember whomever that last person using IT.com on that computer was. So you just need to remember ot log out before you leave or before you start the next session.
Originally posted by Webmaster@Jan 12 2006, 02:06 AM
Nope, it wasn't really. What happens is this forum sets a cookie in your browser. So that next time you arrive it thinks it knows who you are.  All you had to do is click "logout" and then create a new user.  You can do this as many times as you want.  You can have numerous users per PC.

The forum app will then remember whomever that last person using IT.com on that computer was.  So you just need to remember ot log out before you leave or before you start the next session.



Dick, you made me fall off my chair. Good thing my ego has been inflated recently else you'd have a medical bill to contend with.

Wow, what a difference in console since I last browsed this forum. Got yellow balls smiling, frowning, smashing each other with hammers(my fav) and everything. Nice, much improved.

Matt, you and Greg ruined me with that South Park video. No, Blethen broke the dam!!! (Gotta get a copy of that from you guys sometime.)
I am a blooming idiot so I am not sure how to respond to this thread... other than to say that I am saddened by my brothers "seperation" form me... :(

He probably doesn't remember, but he discoverd this site almoast 5 years ago now (wowser it has been a long time), he set up the account, and I "took it over" and pushed him out!!! :023: I finally won the sign in name!!! :smilie_pokal:

This brings up memories and thoughts... :blink: Whatever did we all do before this forum??? :119: can you imagine not having it??? :happy204: I forget what it was like... :rolleyes: I wish that this existed in my first year racing... :o the resources here are generally darn good IMO. :unsure:

ok I digress... how is it that I am blooming? and why do you all think I am an idiot... crap thats the reason... I asked :rolleyes:

Originally posted by RSTPerformance@Jan 19 2006, 06:06 PM
ok I digress...  how is it that I am blooming?  and why do you all think I am an idiot...  crap thats the reason...  I asked  :rolleyes:


hey I did not make that name up, the big sissy did. B)