Passenger side door bars???


New member
I have heard and read rumblings about a new door bar rule, something to the effect of having to have two side impact bars on passenger side. Can anyone enlighten me? Has there been a recent rule change? All I found in the 2007 GCR is a requriement to have two door bars on the passenger side, and text saying that two bars forming an "X" accross the door opening satisfy the rule (as do other configurations). I have the "X" bars on the passenger side of my car, so what I am trying to find out is whther there has been a rule change subsequent to the 2007 GCR? Or is my car still lega? Thanks for your help. Bill
the original version of the rules suggested two contigous bars, but before it made it to the 2007 GCR it was modified to allow the X brace.

G. Side Protection:
Two (2) side tubes connecting the front and rear hoops across both door openings are mandatory. Door side tubes may extend into the door. NASCAR-style side protection, or one bar bisecting another to form an X is permitted. The door window glass, window operating mechanism, inner door trim panel, armrest, map pockets, and inside door latch/lock operating mechanism may be removed and the inner door structural panel may be modified, but not removed to facilitate this type of side protection. The stock side impact beam and the outside door latch/lock operating mechanism shall not be removed or modified.[/b]
Thanks. So I guess there has been no change since the 2007 GCR. That means my car is ok as it is with the "X" bars on the passenger side. Whew!
Well no there is a change, you MUST have 2 bars on both sides of the car now, however the X qualifies. The original launguage left that in question. but I do know friends who had to add bars to stay legal because they didnt do the X.