PBOC race at Barber Feb 19,20


New member
PBOC is hosting a race and drivers ed at Barber Feb 19 and 20. We have space for more racers in our race group including a 90 minute enduro run similar to ECR. All SCCA racers are invited.

However, please understand that we run non contact especially at Barber. I think everyone is aware of Barber's bills for track damage. We bill individual racers for the damage they cause to the track.

I understand and respect the Al region's decision not to go back to Barber. However, we think we can keep racers on the track and minimize track damage and will continue our two dates a year there.

Yes, they charge over $4 a linear foot for armco damage including a scratch. And you don't even get to take it home.

You can sign up at www.timingroom.com under PBOC. Or email me for information at [email protected].

Bob Turnage
Bob, one clarification I would make to the price charged for guard rail. We were quoted $17.50/ft, 25ft. sections, three high. Unless there has been an obviously drastic change in pricing, I would assume the old price is correct. Chuck Baader, Alabama Region SCCA Registrar

You are right. Barber charged us $525 per 25 ft piece of armco. That's $21 per linear foot. You got a bargain :-)

I got a bid from a local supplier for Armco delivered for $8.10 a foot. Barber's reply was that their price included installation.

That's the cost of playing in his sandbox.

Bob Turnage

Originally posted by chuck baader:
Bob, one clarification I would make to the price charged for guard rail. We were quoted $17.50/ft, 25ft. sections, three high. Unless there has been an obviously drastic change in pricing, I would assume the old price is correct. Chuck Baader, Alabama Region SCCA Registrar
Update to our event at Barber. We had two cars hit the armco very lightly during our two day event. I had some spirited discussion with the track people about making us pay for armco which basically had paint on it.

We received the bill and it was for $600. Much more reasonable.

Maybe this is a new attitude.

Bob Turnage