PDX Tech at IT Fest

gran racing

Super Moderator
After last year's event, one of the gripes some of us had was that racecars with a current log book needed to pass the PDX tech. For me, it was more a matter of time being consumed waiting in line. They listened and have revised the policy for this year.

The form is located on the Cincy SCCA site in the PDX box (http://www.cincyscca.com/2008/2008pdxtech.pdf )

One of the lines at the top asks for the vehicle logbook number if your car has a current SCCA logbook. If it has a current annual inspection (dated anytime after 8/10/07), they ask that you bring that with the completed form when you come to tech – probably in one of the garages in the inner paddock at Mid-Ohio. If it does not have a current inspection, you will need to bring the car – just as you do at a race.