Photographer(s) @ Summit Point School?


New member
I missed the dude selling photos/CDs of photos taken during the Summit Point Spring school '05. Anyone have a business card, website, phone number or email of the photograher.

Any amateur photographers that happened to snap some of the action this past weekend?

I'm writting an article for my local newsletter and I'd love to include photos.


8) #29 ITA
[email protected]
The photographer setup by the classroom was Bob from Eurotech(e-tech) photography.
He is a regular at Summit Point.
Sorry i don't have a phone number for him.
I hope you had a good school.
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
Originally posted by dave parker:
The photographer setup by the classroom was Bob from Eurotech(e-tech) photography.
Not to be confused w/ Euroimage--different folks.

BTW, Dave--some new Diasio owner put it in Bob's ear that his services would go over great at MARRS events.

Gregg Ginsberg
'89 CRX Si -- MARRS ITA #72
WDCR-SCCA Rookie of the Year 2003
Thanks for the info.