I noticed that my PM box was full. That's cool I'll just clean up. I noticed that I had 48 sent items. I check the sent items and they are items I received, not sent. I then check my received items and they are my sent items.
My inbox and sent box are still swapped. Is this something that is fixable or is it something I should get use to? Either way it doesn't make a difference, jsut curious.
Yep, start deleting. I'm guessing it was a result of the conversion process to vBulletin and is not able to be fixed by the administrator. Mine was the same way, but it's been fine on all email sent since.
Sadly it is a downside of coverting to VB sometimes. But you can always move them around and save them as a file. I just made sure I didnt delete any information I didnt have in gmail or soemthing.