New member
The incident in the SSC race at The Runoffs has generated a lot of debate (see the relative rights (to racing room) and duties (to avoid contact) of the overtaken and overtaking cars when passing in corners. The scenario was that the overtaking car had a good run on the overtaken car, the overtaken car "left the door open," and the overtaking car late braked on the inside and got at least his front wheel ahead of the other car's rear wheel, and the leader turned in w/ ensuing contact. As you all know, the GCR provides little guidance, and SOM and COA decisions are inconsistent.
The poll question is: Is there a point in a pass when the right to "the line" or the right not to have to yield shifts from the overtaken car to the overtaking car? I.e., "getting a wheel on," halfway alongside, getting a nose in front of, or completing the pass?
I have discussed this w/ a number of drivers and there are varying opinions, which is kind of scary when you think about it. We need to be on the same page and I think a clarification in the GCR may be in order.
The poll question is: Is there a point in a pass when the right to "the line" or the right not to have to yield shifts from the overtaken car to the overtaking car? I.e., "getting a wheel on," halfway alongside, getting a nose in front of, or completing the pass?
I have discussed this w/ a number of drivers and there are varying opinions, which is kind of scary when you think about it. We need to be on the same page and I think a clarification in the GCR may be in order.