Prather-built STL Miata

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
For those who are friends with Jesse on FB, he just posted some pics of a brand new build for a customer. A plain white-wrapper for now. Very cool.

AFMC Air Force Materiel Command
AFMC Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care
AFMC Armed Forces Medical College (Pune, India)
AFMC Armed Forces of America Motorcycle Club
AFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer
AFMC Ashland Free Medical Clinic (San Lorenzo, CA)
AFMC Association des Faculté de Médecine du Canada (Association of Canadian Medical Colleges)
AFMC Armed Forces Motorcycle Club
AFMC Avionics Flight Management Computer
AFMC Advanced Flight Management Computer (avionics)
AFMC Association of Fundamental Ministers & Churches, Inc (Kansas City, MO)
AFMC Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Australia)