Pro IT by Driving Impressions - WGI Video


New member
Thanks to everybody for a fantastic weekend - best racing I've had. Here's some video for the folks who couldn't make it. You missed one of the best weekends of racing - great weather, fast track and no bad wrecks that I saw.

The driving was excellent across all classes - this series is really putting on a top caliber show. I wish my video quality was a little better.

Part I
Part II

Thanks for the vids Ben...and congrats!!! I wish I could've been there.

Anyone have the ITR and ITS results for this race and the two regionals?

Here are the results from Group 5 and TeamDI Pro IT. Sorry the Pro IT sheet has such a poor quality.

Congrats Ben on a great run (two actually)! I tried to catch you and Rob Breault in the regional plowing through the field from behind due to my issues in the qualy race, but the race was too short. Had nothing in Pro IT, you guys were just too fast.

Congrats to Rob Nimkoff for the new track record! And sorry for the car issues - first the transmission, then the exaust, after all the travel and great lap times - that stinks.


I goofed up the title - should be TeamDI Pro IT Series - gotta get that naming down!

Congrats to Rob Nimkoff on track record - hope the car is OK - saw that exhaust come off during the regional and smash into the armaco barrier and then shoot up in the air. You've had enough mechanical DNF DQ than one man deserves.

Rob Thiele - nice job navigating through the field!