Thanks to Bob Zecca and the entire team for a great PRO-IT Race.
We made some last minute changes to the 14 car to try to address a
lean condition in the front rotor, but either overcompensated, or
missed the real problem. I spent the entire race unable to put my
foot past 3/4 throttle, otherwise the engine would just die. I guess
we'll have to do a bit more troubleshooting before memorial day.
Sorry if I got in anyone's way back in the pack, one particular memory
is when Tim Klvana kept motioning me to go by on the front straight,
and I tried, I really tried Tim, but with the go pedal only half
way down.....sorry!
Great race Jeff, Rob and Matt!
Here is some video...not the most exciting, but I did edit out most
of the really boring bits