Pro It Series At The Glen??

Robert Zecca

New member
Anyone interested in attending a TEAMDI ProIT race at the Glen on 7/25-7/26? Let us know. We would like to put this on the schedule if there is enough interest. Remember we have a race the week after at Lime Rock which is the MoHUD National event.

Bob Zecca
Anyone interested in attending a TEAMDI ProIT race at the Glen on 7/25-7/26? Let us know. We would like to put this on the schedule if there is enough interest. Remember we have a race the week after at Lime Rock which is the MoHUD National event.

Bob Zecca

I'm interested. You probable pull in a bunch of cars from Eastern Ohio, Central and Western PA and of course NY. I'll put the word out around here.
Were definitely in

Rob, 5 ITR cars! are you and Henderson sticking with ITS next season or bumping up to R?
Were definitely in

Rob, 5 ITR cars! are you and Henderson sticking with ITS next season or bumping up to R?

Since my car is still in the trailer from the last event I would say that I will be in ITS - at least at the beginning of the season...
Since my car is still in the trailer from the last event I would say that I will be in ITS - at least at the beginning of the season...

Rob, this race won't be until July you should be in a ITR car by then? Great to hear you'll be bringing 5 ITR cars up. Sounds like a great weekend, looking forward to it.
The schedule would then be -

Round 1 May 2-3 with NER National at NHMS
Round 2 May 9 with NNJR Regional at Pocono (double points)
Round 3 June 6-7 with SJR National at NJMP on Thunderbolt
Round 4 July 25-26 with Glen Region's July Sprints (double NARRC) at Watkins Glen
Round 5 August 1 with MoHud National at LRP
Round 6 is TBD in August (22 & 23 possibly at NJMP for the MARRS/NARRC regional)
Rounds 7&8 10/17-18 with NNJR for the Jersey Road Racing Classic ('the jerk') at NJMP on Lightning (same schedule as 2008)
AS posted on RST will in with both ITB cars and probably the ITS car as well. I think spreading out to the GLEN will only spread our cause and get more involved. I bet you get a ton of cars... how many can that track fit? :026:

I would still love to see us put Round 6 in September With the TDI cup cars at NJMS but if we end up at another Pro event for some publicity I am in!

I'm up for getting a little Audi paint on my Prelude. :D I imagine this is a great track for the Audis torque.

For myself and several others I know that have interest in attending a Glen event or two, adding this to an event really makes the trip worthwhile. With there being so many races this weekend, any chance of getting Phils Tire Service or another vendor out there for the event?
Speaking of Tires.... Anyone hear anything about Regional SCCA Tire contingencies? I would really like to see something in PROIT if anyone has any leads!

DONE DEAL!! We will be there and TEAMDI will have a great display and some neat prizes for 2009. Thanks guys for your support. Just in the last two days I spoke to 4 drivers from NASA/EMRA who said they will be joining our series for 2009. Hopefully with the economy we will see full fields, make money for our regions and keep racing as economical as possible for you guys. I think our concept is working pretty well. I will be attending the convention with Darrell and hopefully we wil get full support from National

Bob Zecca
The Glen region determines that but I would think $300-$350. Remember 50% goes back to driver kitty and the other 50% goes to my offshore banking account!!!!!