Check the Fast Track section of Sports Car. The new 15" wheel rule affects my car, an ITC Rabbit. Something else to spend moola on. Gel cell batteries are legal also, if the gel is the same amps and size. So much for buying a Formula Ford gel and dropping 20 pounds off the front end.
ANYTHING that's appeared in the monthly FasTracks since January will be added to the 2005 GCR. It's important to read those thoroughly (right, JamesC? <grin> ).
I've compiled a PDF of all the 2004 FasTracks through December, cutting out all the Solo stuff and all the entry forms - 4.3MB. Grab it while you can, it'll only be up a week or so.
While you're at it - I'm about to get a whiplash by stopping my head from spinning. Can SOMEBODY please explain, in layman's terms, the new seatback and head restraint wording??