quick balast question


New member
Im about to mount some balast and in reading the gcr i was not clear on the wording for placement. It says that the balast goes in the passenger footwell/seating area. but I was unclear of the sentence underlined below. can someone clarify whether i have to put it in the footwell or if i can mount back where the base of the seat had been. Thanks

"All ballast shall be located in the front passenger footwell/seating area, aft of the firewall and any footwell angle, and forward of the aft-edge of the forward-most passenger door opening, unless otherwsie specified on the vehicle’s spec line"
More specific to the RX7, the ballast can go anywhere in the passenger area from the forward angle where the ECU mounts to the vertical wall just behind the front seat area. The rule actually gives you another inch or two the rear edge of the door opening, but it's not realistic to try.