Originally posted by Scott Koschwitz:
Visit the Northeast Division web site for an explanation and information for the specific reserved numbers contact: http://webpages.charter.net/super7/aboutnumbers.html
Well, that's my web site, not the divisions, but since Marianne is the Division (National) and NARRC number Czar, it applies.
We look at how cars are grouped every few years and adjust how we group them for numbers. Since every region does it their own way, it's a crap shoot. This year, the NARRC committee was asked to work on a standard set of run groups, and they decided not to. If you are unhappy with not having your reserved numbers because of ever changing race groups, then tell your RE, who is on the NARRC committee.
Showroom stock numbers do NOT "Trump" anyone. SSM does not, either.
Basically, they are grouped in the same list, so, if you had the number last year, you have November to re-reserve it. After December 1st, it's first come first serve, reguardless of class, based on when you sent in your request (Letter, e-mail, or phone).
If you annoy Marianne, forget getting a number this year. (We did this ONCE in the last 10 years to a national driver who was being a whining PITA.)
p.s. As far as I know, we are the ONLY division in the entire country that does not charge for reserved numbers.
p.p.s. Last year, we processed over 2,500 e-mails related to numbers, so if one or two get messed up, please understand. Besides, we don't charge for it.