"Racing Summit Point" How-To Video


New member
Just received in the mail and finished watching TWICE: 30 minutes of instructional video, both in-car and external, of racing the dry line at Summit Point.

This video kicks complete butt. A steal at $20. From December's "Straightpipe":

"This 30 minute VHS tape clearly explains and demonstrates the fast and safe racing line around Summit Point Raceway, from inside and outside of the race cars, corner by corner. Almost every SCCA class car is represented on this tape. All things being equal, if you spend most of your race/track time eating dust or waving people by, you probably need this tape. Recommended by Denny Austin, Chief Instructor for the DC Region SCCA drivers' school. Please send $20 check to: Art Jaso, 9500 St. Andrew's Way, Silver Spring, MD 20901. Please include self-addressed mailing label. MD residents add $1 sales tax."

Good stuff. Especially the moments in between the cool and clear commentary when the driver bumps someone else and Art innocently says, "Ooops."



A belated thanks for your post. I ordered a copy of the video shortly after your post and had a chance to watch it over the weekend. It really is a class piece of video, especially for $20.00.

Bill Umstead
You're welcome!

I passed on the info to my Mustang club, too. They do alot of open track events there and you can't beat a $20 driving lesson that doesn't put your car in jeopardy!


Does anyone have this tape, or have a number to call Art Jaso to get this tape quickly?

I have never been to Summit Point and would like to watch it before MARRS 7&8