rain line at NHMS?


Active member
As I mentioned in my second post in the thread "cheap date" I will be running this weekend at NHMS. there is a (at this point) small chance of rain and I'd like to be prepared for it.

I've not run at NHMS in the rain yet... anyone have any pointers? How much of a rain line do you have to run there? Can anyone point me in the direction of a (good) wet vid from there?

I did a search here and didn't find much :( I am very confident in the rain, but like I said, I want to be prepared :)

NHMS does not have a real drastic rain line like say lime rock was. Puddles are the worst part. Do not turn in late at three, puddle just past turn in. Puddle at bottom of hill at ten and big friggen river at pit in, keep the car straight until you reach the far bank.
I love racing in the rain. I just hate working on the car in the rain, hanging out in the rain and drinking beer in the rain.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a (good) wet vid from there?

You ask and you recieve. ANd what the hell are you running? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLDSkHwwkAA[/ame] Part 1 only you can find the rest.
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I didn't read the supps but I assume they will be running both configurations??

For the rain line in NASCAR 1 & 2, stay REALLY low!! That way when you lose it you have plenty room to scrub off speed before hitting the wall................. :)
I didn't read the supps but I assume they will be running both configurations??

For the rain line in NASCAR 1 & 2, stay REALLY low!! That way when you lose it you have plenty room to scrub off speed before hitting the wall................. :)

dont listen to him, Jeff is a wussy...... run up high, close to the wall.... so when you lose it you wont have as far to go to hit the wall..... and you will just brush against it......:dead_horse:

Matt Bal Yea, my car has met the wall a few times:bash_1_:
Dick: thanks! I'm with you on both counts!

Joe: you are the man, thanks! nice drivin... what was that last comment about though? *scratches head* O and as far as what I'm running: go read the thread I refered to in the first post of this thread.

Jeff: yes we will be running both configs... higher chance of rain on the Chicane day i think so here I was reading thinking you were being serious... or were you? lol

Matt: I kinda like your school of thought on this one lol (both about the track and Jeff) reminds me of what I would do at one gokart track in a hairpin turn to not scrub as much speed off...
You're running a little go kart? What, did you forget how to shift?

shift? :D

I know, i know... it's not my first choice but I gotta drive what I can and make the best of it. doesn't really matter what I'm driving, I'll be grinning ear to ear just cuz I'm on the track!

guess I won't get to show off my mad heel toe and double clutch downshifting skills or the clutchless sequential shifting either for that matter :shrug:

looks like I will get to show of my rain skills though... if they work in a 500 lol
Water flows downhill. duh. Therefore UP hill has less water. Duh.
So, WHY would you drive on the bottom of the banking??


But actually, I've always just "felt" my way around in the rain. It become obvious where it's quickest. And it changes lap to lap.