RAL regional and Enduro info

Have the charities been named for this year's RAL, or are they the same as last year?

Anybody started their fund raising efforts? Tim?

And remember that the proceeds from the raffle go to the charity as well. This year we have some cool stuff to win!

- SCDA Day (donated by Dave Lyons)
- $200 gift cert to Pegasus
- Max Angelelli and Max Pappis signed Cadillac WC hats and shirt (Donated by Karen Rafferty, Cadillac Race Director and Director of Marketing - Corvette)
- Callaway diecast (donated by Mike Zoner, Managing Director, Callaway)
- and many more other cool race products from Racer Wholesale and Pegasus

The more tickets you buy, the more goes to charity and the more chances you have to win! :023:

Originally posted by nlevine@Aug 10 2005, 02:51 PM
Have the chariites been named for this year's RAL, or are they the same as last year?

Anybody started their fund raising efforts? Tim?

Noam - I will be working on Fund Raising for Ral this week. I have received a note or two from my people from last year. I will keep everyone posted.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11
Originally posted by Tkczecheredflag@Aug 20 2005, 04:24 AM
Okay - The money started to  show up  today.  I beleive I received about $450.00.  The race has started.

Hi all. I hope many IT'ers are asking for pledges in support of their racing organization on this great RAL weekend. I raised $803 last year, and have actually already raised over $1000 ! All it takes is a simple email to co-workers, family, friends and sponsors. (Tim spurred me on last year) At my company, there is actually a competition between the Boston, San Diego and London offices for most pledged. :D

Good luck, and see you this weekend!

03 ITA
Originally posted by biovic@Aug 22 2005, 04:53 PM
Hi all.  I hope many IT'ers are asking for pledges in support of their racing organization on this great RAL weekend.  I raised $803 last year, and have actually already raised over $1000 !  All it takes is a simple email to co-workers, family, friends and sponsors.  (Tim spurred me on last year)  At my company, there is actually a competition between the Boston, San Diego and London offices for most pledged.  :D

Good luck, and see you this weekend!

03 ITA
You Go Victor!!! - I beleive I am one lap down to you this year. I have about $500 pledged so far. Hoping more will show up tomorrow so I get the "Lucky Dog" pass back to the lead lap with you.

Good Luck to everyone.
Originally posted by biovic@Aug 22 2005, 04:53 PM
Hi all.  I hope many IT'ers are asking for pledges in support of their racing organization on this great RAL weekend.  I raised $803 last year, and have actually already raised over $1000 ! 

Nice job, Victor! I'm at about $500 now (from one e-mail sent last night).. Expecting some more.

See you all this weekend.
