Great idea to share your video... I give you lots of credit!!! Be sure to take any comments as freindly advise... take what you want and let the other stuff go

To be honest I did not watch the complete video, not enough time!!! I did watch the first 5 or 6 laps though
Ok my initial comments/suggestion... Jake made some very good points.
1) On the start you should have been beside and ahead of the red CRX, nevermind the silver one you let pass.
2) Drive your car, don't play follow the leader, you are in a wheel to wheel race!!! Get the car infront of you to follow your cars moves and when he/she makes a mistake make your move!!!
3) Put your foot on the gas pedle and be commit to it. No need to continue "backing off" everytime you get within 5 feet of the cars bumper infront of you.
4) That car is FWD right? do you have a quaiffe or some other sort of Diff in it? If you do then once you have turned in my experience shows that in most (not all) cases you should be full throttle until your next breaking or lifting zone. Yes I do see some place that may require a lift or a left foot brake but in genneral put the hammar down and go!!!
5) On your "breaking mistake" in the begining (lap 3 maybe?) get right back into it, the silver car should not have passed you. It looked like you hesitated because you were caught off guard and you might not have been aware of your suroundings? Be ready to adapt, make a mistake and quickly move on...
Thats enough for now

Overall you have a great line and you improved A LOT as the race went on. I think that with a little confidence will come some comfortability with the cars capabilities and you will be fast.... very fast!!!
be sure to post another video after your next race and we shall see how you have improved

**** EDIT: I watched further and wow what an improvement once you got past the other cars and you had clear track... Drive like that all the time and just alter your line to adapt to other cars. Be aware of your surounding and race side by side in all the turns!!!
One other thing you might be doing, when you are following someone at a much slower rate remember to drive your car and not theirs. Your line may change along with acceleration points, lifting points, and braking points - IE: don't slow down and just follow them, make a clean pass and be done with it!!!
This was not a long detailed cretique but I hope it helps get you started;