Hey again everyone. I know this topic has been hit on before, but I wanted to see what everyone thought on it once more. Im at the point here where I need to remove all of the tar and junk from the floor board of my TE72 (80 Corolla in Toyota-speak) and want to make the process as painless as possible. Is it just me, or is removal of the interior one of the most annoying task with building a racecar? Who knew there was so much junk in there? Im talking about a 25 year old car too, not a modern one with all of the extra electronics! Anyway, I digress. Ive heard people mention that you use a heat-gun and just scrape away at the tar, but Ive also seen it said that you can stick some dry ice on the tar and then whack it with a rubber hammer
. While the science geek in me thinks the dry ice idea sounds like fun, how effective is it? Is there another technique that I havent heard about (basically other than these two)? Thanks again for all the help!
Oh, btw, one of the reasons I bought this Toyota to race is because its pretty much bullet-proof. I have now discovered that when a car is that bulletproof, it doesnt exactly come apart easy. Its like being dissassembled is against its nature or something. Heh.

Oh, btw, one of the reasons I bought this Toyota to race is because its pretty much bullet-proof. I have now discovered that when a car is that bulletproof, it doesnt exactly come apart easy. Its like being dissassembled is against its nature or something. Heh.