Renting a Garage...


New member
As many of you know the RST Performance Rcing "camp" has been located at my fathers house in Bow NH for about 25 years... He has a good sized garage that was plenty big enough to fit 2 cars and have plenty of "shop" space to allow for building things (the garage could easily fit 3 cars with plenty of room to walk around and work on the cars).

My father has not even put his house on the market and probably wont till after this coming racing season, but he is thinking of selling, and moving to a newer house with less garage place and who knows when that will happen... :bash_1_:

This is very premature, but it doesn't hurt to start getting an idea of what to expect. Since my brother and I live in apartments, My brother and I will need to rent a garage to keep our Audi's and maintain them. We would probably want enough space to work on at least three cars, as well as room outside for parking 2 trailers. Anyone know what to expect or look for rent wise? Anyone know where to look??? We would want a place in North Eastern Mass, and or Southern NH. Our first preference would be within an hour of Manchester NH.

Thanks for any advice!!!

Raymond "Happy Holidays :) " Blethen
Based on the market we saw when we did this last year, I am willing to bet you are looking at between $500 and $1000 per month in total.

The kicker is access. If you want access, you are going to pay for that. For 3 cars, with access, expect AT LEAST $150 per car/month. You want it heated? You want access to an outlet so you can trickle charge? You want a key?

Many issues...


This would be for year round use as a new shop for us... This would nt just be for storage. We would not be doing "outside work" as far as the renter was concerned (IE: not a maintance shop where people came for inspections or regular work, we would use the garage on nights/weekends to work on our cars.)

A few people already contacted me and said it was in the $1,000 a month range... And someone also suggested purchasing a garage unit within an industrial park...

interesting thought... Andy, What do you and the rest of the Flat Out boys do with your million cars???

Originally posted by RSTPerformance@Dec 15 2005, 02:51 PM

This would be for year round use as a new shop for us...  This would nt just be for storage.  We would not be doing "outside work" as far as the renter was concerned (IE: not a maintance shop where people came for inspections or regular work, we would use the garage on nights/weekends to work on our cars.)

A few people already contacted me and said it was in the $1,000 a month range...  And someone also suggested purchasing a garage unit within an industrial park...

interesting thought...  Andy, What do you and the rest of the Flat Out boys do with your million cars???


Then I misunderstood your request. 3 cars with storage space is $1000 month easy.

We rent a 3200 sq/ft shop in Bellingham...10 cars in there now...

Jon and I were kidding around about this (something that he is giving tought to as well). Maybe its time to move out of the apt. and buy a house/condo with a garage? Combine the rental costs and garage costs...

The other brilliant idea is to buy an old garage shop with a lift on it. If you're lucky and there may even be a loft or an office to put the bed in. It would really impress the ladies. :D
Originally posted by gran racing@Dec 16 2005, 11:43 AM
The other brilliant idea is to buy an old garage shop with a lift on it.  If you're lucky and there may even be a loft or an office to put the bed in.  It would really impress the ladies.  :D

If that's you idea of what impresses the ladies than suddenly your choice in car color makes more sense. :D

I too am in the housing market and the hardest requirement to meet so far has been working space and ample parking. Having done the rented shop space for years now I can honestly say that since it's not my job I would much rather have the shop at the house. A don't need another commute just to work on the race car. The bad part is I don't think the girlfriend would mind living above a garage as long as I put some time in her Vee also.
I was teasing Jon that he could even put his bed on the lift to add to the ambiance. I won't even go into the air tools. :o
Why not just buy your dad's house when he decides to sell it? (that was actually Kathy's idea).

OTOH I knew a SM guy who lived in Brighton MA. Kept all his gear & car in an enclosed trailer, parked it on the street. Used to do all his prep either on the side of the road behind the trailer, or in a parking lot. He has since sold the car & moved.

Buy a house, add a garage to it. That's what I did. 1050 sq foot single story, flat roof house, built a 30x40 garage w/ attic next to it. The rational was that cars are bigger than people.

I think you might find the cost of houses is lower in the next 24 months.
I always thought that going in with a few racers in your area for garage space might not be a bad investment. Although I have a two car garage, I have had the threat of divorce if I spread onto her side of the garage (yet it's OK if she uses my race car as an extra shelving unit......).

However, a $1,000 sounds kind of steep.......

Dave, Jon, Greg (and anyone else in the central CT area) you find some space, and I'm in!!
Raymond - I got lucky this year. Found garage space (3 car garage), included electric and has a wall mounted propane heater (provide your own propane), upstairs storage and work area wqith shop bench (same footprint as downstairs but vaulted), 36'x18' for $450/month.

Shared the space with two other racers in town ($150 each). Also included storage for our trailers in the rear and a wooden fenced area 15x18 to store anything that would survive the winter. We can come and go as you please and it has parking.

The space was in a residential area, part of a three family home in Ridgefield, Ct. A great find as it is 3 miles from my home. It might be worhtwhile checking the newspaper for storage space (that's how we found this spot), and take a look at things right in your area. We see space like this appear from time to time but you have be vigiliant and pull the trigger when you find it - it doesn't last long.

I suspect if we are keeping the neighbors up a midnight with motors racing it won't last long - so it does have some potential restrictions.

Hope that helps. Merry Christmas All!!!
I would think one of you would be able to find a rental with a garage. Multi-family houses are usually pretty reasonable, think 2-family duplex or 3-floor Victorian with a carriage house (garage) in the back. I had 2 garages at my last rental, one came with my floor and I rented the other when the owner moved his Jag out.

The other option is as someone else said. We did find a garage right down the street for under $50/month a couple of years ago but didn't go too far with it as there was the potential for being blocked in and it was a little too close to a Section 8 housing unit for comfort (no offense to those legitimately using Section 8 but some of the people in that apartment compelxx are scary - our race cars were not going to be completely safe there once word got out!).

I did rent a garage for a summer for my Mustang with great success. They are out there, you just have to be patient. :) RIDGEFIELD???? Where knockdowns are in the $700K range??? That, my friend, is the find of the century! That is insanely low...better keep the peace with the neighbors!
Originally posted by lateapex911@Dec 19 2005, 03:13 AM RIDGEFIELD???? Where knockdowns are in the $700K range??? That, my friend, is the find of the century!  That is insanely low...better keep the peace with the neighbors!
Jake - Looked at the paper after posting - 400 sq ft for $525, 800 square for $725. There out there - vigilance is the key. Also get the word out with friends.
We will keep the peace for sure as we are in the midlle of a really nice/old neighborhood. Hey the little kids love us - we let them hang out and sit in the cars.
OK, wasn't sure if I was going to do this or not, but since the topic is out there, thought that I would float this idea out there:

I own and manage several commercial properties. I purchased a building in central MA last Spring - and did this based on having a tenant all set to take approx. 1/2 the building. Well, you can guess the rest of the story - he backed out and I have a 17,500 square foot building on 2 floors, and I am the only tenant! The first floor is all concrete floor with a double sliding door entrance - just barely wide enough to fit my VW Golf through. To drive anything larger in I will have to concrete sawcut the doorway - but very do-able - and will do it if interest is out there for this concept.

I have my small business upstairs on the second floor, but was thinking that the first floor (ground floor) would make a pretty neat space for a bunch of racers. There are columns throughout the building, but there is enough space to drive/push cars between them pretty easily. I would not want to have to put up walls for security, doors, locks, etc for security, so we would all have to be on the "honor system" for tools, jacks, etc.

I checked with the town, and I have the OK to store cars there. How much "working" on them would be permitted, ...........well, we would have to see, but I really don't envision any problem. They don't want a "garage-type" business, but doing work on our own vehicles would be fine.

It is alot of space with no one in there at this point. We could probably put close to 6 to 8 cars with all of our "stuff" etc in there easily. Heated. Ground level so not too hot in summer. Probably be able to share a compressor - the piping is already in place. Lots of electrical. The numbers work for me (versus a "real" tenant) at about $400 / month if we get 6 cars. I won't make money at that rate, but I won't lose either (which is where I am at currently).

So, anyone in the greater Worcester area, does this have any attraction? I am right at the junction of 122 and 122A in Grafton. I have not sent this out in the "general public" as I will either go this direction if there is interest, or turn the space over to a listing agent and do the NORMAL thing if necessary.

$400 month, heated, electric, compressor (maybe), room for parking a trailer, bathrooms, open space to be shared by racers. Maybe it makes sense?? Any comments will be appreciated.

Thanks, Tim M
Actually, renting houses with sufficient garage space is difficult up here and VERY costly. Most rentals with garages are up over $1500 a month and no land. Raymond and Stephen's step dad and I are looking into housing near NHIS with garage, parking, etc. that can be accessed by racers on the weekends for emergency work. We have a shop right now, but it's really not big enough for what my ideal would be. But we keep our fingers crossed that the right place will come along. Sharing an old dealership or garage space like that would be ideal as the individual spaces could be locked when the car owner wasn't there and their tools could be locked. Hmmmmm. Raymond and Stephen, that's an idea! Talk to your step-bro and see what we can come up with!