Required safety updates for 5 year old car?


New member
I have not been on track for ~ 5 years. planned updates to the 1985 CRX si are:

new aluminum seat with seat back brace.
new belts dated 2005.
new SA2000 helmut to replace SA1990.
new nascar style door bars (may do some honda challenge).
updated ITB lettering and 14x6 or 14x5 wheels to replace the 14x7's.

planning to do the updates and go to an annual tech event.

any other obvious omissions that I need to address?

tia, tom (formerly ita, now itb or H5)
thanks for the feedback. i also forgot that i need to get the ~150 #'s of ballast fastened to the car so that it can be checked.
Originally posted by JohnRW:
Fuel sample port.
Tow hooks, front & rear.

Fuel sample port? I missed that one... I'm in the same boat.. I have the class letters (always did that) and the full cage brace and the proper window net attachement, but don't know the fuel sample business.

Anyplace to get nice Pro touring car style tow hooks?
yes, i have a logbook with about 25 races logged from 1993 to 1999 but have been inactive since then. the car has been autocrossed some and track days since then but some of the safety requirements have changed.

trying to get everything up to snuff before an annual tech day in one month.
Okay - that's good news. The horriblest trap would have been if you had an ERW tubing cage and no logbook under which you could be grandfathered into the new material requirement.

Have fun! You've picked a really good answer, if nobody has told you that already. I don't know where you are located but if you get to the mid-Atlantic, I'll see you out there in the ITB grid.


PS - you might want to check on the 14x6 wheel conversation over in the VW forum.

[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited March 18, 2005).]