Rich Hunter is now a daddy


What is the world coming to?

I got 5 bucks saying she drives a VW

Matt bal
Congrats to Rich and wife on the arrival of their baby girl (the next queen of Lime Rock ) LAUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!

Shoot, I lost his contact info....can someone send along so I can congratulate him "live"?

Richie told me..."Dave, add something constructive to that darn IT site."

The baby girl Jordyn and Hunter family are doing well. As of Sat., she was 6.13 oz and 20.5" tall. I was also able to confirm that her official first words will NOT be Mommy or Daddy, but Honda. I'll have to work on P-R-E-L-U-D-E. :P

Of course he also told me about some Red VW he drove up at NHIS and plans to be at LRP with. When asked what type of VW, he said some big newer one. Yeah, don't think she'll be a VW driver.
Congratulations to Richard and his family. Richard was taking notes during the RAL weekend, watching my little girl run around the paddock. I had thought he was looking for hints on how to drive a rented VW. :lol: