Right Side Net Installation


New member
OK, I purchased a Simpson right side net and, like all good products, it came with absolutely no instructions. There are (2) bolt on tabs supplied with the net, apparently for the non-dash mounts.

So, anyone have pictures of their installation that can help me out? It would seem that the dash mount would be better served as a hard mount (vs a wrap around), but I don't know.

The simpson website was less than helpful (OK, way less!), so I'm turning to the experts.

Thanks in advance for the help.
I don't like the simpson.... at all. My best advice is return it and get a (I'll remember the name after coffee and re-edit).

Ideally you want the top strap to cross about midway through the helmet line and the bottom strap to line up with the meat of the shoulder. The closer the front mount is to the steering wheel the better.

If you can securely mount it to the dash bar that's the best but if you need to mount it to the firewall with some load spreading plates, that'd work too.
I've got a really good interior picture of Derek Bells S60R he ran at Sebring in '05. The right-side net is even a simpson. PM me your email so I can send it to you as it is too large to post it here.
I just got done installing my right side 2 weeks ago. Sorry the car is at the shop or I'd take a pic. I had first tried to do a Pryotect net and that was a mess so I ebay'd it. I got this net and there are good pics here - http://www.racetechseatsna.com/Side%20Net.html

It is is the Safety Solutions net with a Ractech patch, I didn't know at the time. Heck, I got a Momo seat anyways. Cheaper here - http://www.apexperformance.net/cartgenie/p...pid=1457&cid=13

I added a horizontal dash bar and the net went in easy. Scrap the Simpson and get this net.

He may be doing his net as they or a head bolster became mandatory by NASA on July 1, 2007. Doesn't matter if you have an ISAAC or HANS.
I'm doing this because by girlfriend's best friend was killed in an auto accident when a semi-truck impacted her vehicle on drivers right. She had swerved to avoid a pickup truck that was passing the semi when she lost control, spinning 90 degrees into the path of the truck on a snowy/icy day.

Yes, I have an Isaac. And a decent seat. But, I'm adding the net for additional safety.
So far, in every application picture, the seat has had additional head supports. Anyone install one of these without those? Got pictures?

I'll be cruising the paddock this weeken looking at other people's installations (probably find, what, 3? :D).

Swing by Scott Sanda's GT2 Porsche this weekend at the Cat. He has a pretty nice set ups. I think a couple of the T2 BMW's run them as well.

I too have been thinking of adding one to my car next year....
additional right hand support is needed for NASA rules.

if you can get to one of their events you will see many examples of how to install, some of them good.

Swing by Scott Sanda's GT2 Porsche this weekend at the Cat. He has a pretty nice set ups. I think a couple of the T2 BMW's run them as well.

I too have been thinking of adding one to my car next year....
I think Scott is running his GT-3 924 this weekend.
Gregg... just DL'd the video and watched it frame by frame on some good monitors (work @ a TV station).

Hat's off to Isaac. I'll be wearing mine without a second thought this weekend!

There seems to be more movement while he's on track than when he hits :D
...There seems to be more movement while he's on track than when he hits :D[/b]
Ya know, you can run the math all day long, but watching a shock do exactly what it's supposed to do only when it's supposed to do it is pretty sweet. :)
Gregg - tried to email you the following, but the email kept getting rejected...

I just pulled that move myself the other weekend... much lighter hit, though, only showed a few g on my data... no true record of speed, but probably something like 20-30mph driver's side first into the armco, exactly the same kind of maneuver... pretzeled the steering rack, complete throwaway... (got it replaced and realigned in time to lead the next race!!!)

Any estimate of vehicle speed on impact? I see he's got a data system in there...

Back on topic - I also have the Safety Solutions RH side net in my '24, you'll see it at the IT-Spectacular this weekend if you make it!! :birra:
Gregg - tried to email you the following, but the email kept getting rejected...

I just pulled that move myself the other weekend... much lighter hit, though, only showed a few g on my data... no true record of speed, but probably something like 20-30mph driver's side first into the armco, exactly the same kind of maneuver... pretzeled the steering rack, complete throwaway... (got it replaced and realigned in time to lead the next race!!!)

Any estimate of vehicle speed on impact? I see he's got a data system in there...

Back on topic - I also have the Safety Solutions RH side net in my '24, you'll see it at the IT-Spectacular this weekend if you make it!! :birra:
(Bad mail? Huh? I'll try to send you something to bounce back.)

He's using an AIM (also has a Moton available). I didn't ask about the speed, but I should. He was carrying respectable speed into the corner, but then scrubbed off a lot.

The lateral G reading on the AIM was pegged at the 4G limit long enough that it formed a plateau on the time plot. A poster on another forum (is there really another that counts? ;)) saw the hit from the corner and said he moved the tires 10-15 feet. Probably safe to say it was more than a big tap, but less than fatal for an unprotected driver. Still 10Gs, say, x 15# head and helmet = 150# load pulse.

Sorry about your car, BTW. Got vids? :D
Yeah, I don't see mine as having even been over 3 g; speed uncertain since the only wheel with a speed sensor was locked - might be able to integrate from g data if I were motivated.

My car was OK; 95% of the damage went directly into bending the rack (the actual rack gear - very big piece of metal!!!) and a rim was tweaked ever so slightly. Plus a little sheetmetal crease at the back. No tires to hit, where I landed.

Yes, I have vid, but no in-car; it's all external. I haven't bothered uploading it, since it was pretty unthrilling. I have to get one more videocamera for the in-car view, sorry...