Roll Cage Design--help


New member
Has anyone ever run an A1 Cabriolet? I am looking to design/have built a roll cage for an A1 Cabriolet. If anyone has ever run/seen one run, I would love to borrow some insight. I assume it would be similar to the Rabbit/GTI, but the roof & attach points might be significantly different. Also, is there a software program that helps to most effectively design a cage? Thanks for any/all help

I do plan to run it w/out the top. I am trying to decide whether to keep it street legal and put a new top on it at all. How does he run? Is he part of the forum? I would love to swap stories with him.
He does pretty well with it and he is also a really good driver. im not sure if he is ever on here but i will look for contact info for him.
He had this car for sale not to long ago. Check the prod site or post a request there. Anyone selling something is easy to find.

Thanks to all for the help on this thread. I ended up finding a used AutoPower cage from a member here and finalized a deal this week. Should be delivered in a couple of weeks & in time to send the cage & bare chassis in for media-blasting. Primer and paint to follow.

Thanks again!