Thanks for the quick lesson.
I would be concerned if Brand X pump gas was the only approved street fuel in my area and Brand Y buys out brand X. Think how often the fuel companies buy out each other's locations. In the last 20 years, Shell has left our region 3 times. The locations are sold, Brand x goes in. Three years later, Shell buys them back, and Brand X goes away. Will SCCA cover all these possible scenarios, or react quickly when they happen?
I realize this is a situation which just calls for common sense to be applied at the local level when/if something similar did happen. I haven't had a lot of luck in relying on the common sense of others lately.
The "known sample" is a great idea. As I think about it, it might be better for the regions to administrate this. A dozen or so locally available major fuels are purchased, marked, sampled and displayed in the tech area at each event. IF the acceptable fuels were listed in the supps and readily available, compliance should be no problem-if you read the supps.
Just thinking out loud..again