Dick Elliott
Where can I find 3" long studs for a 79/83 RX-7? Thanks.
Originally posted by x-ring:
I think they are 12 x 1.5
If so, Summit racing has them from ARP. They have two styles, a .509 dia. knurl 2.5 inches long for $12 per set of five or a 0.485 dia. knurl 2.85 inches long for $17 per set of five.
Part numbers are ARP-100-7708 and ARP-100-7712.
{Edited to add details}
Originally posted by Speed Raycer:
RX7's are bolts... zero access from the back side.
Originally posted by chuck baader:
A word of caution if you use screw-in studs. Red Loctite (the strongest) is good to approximately 400F per Loctite. It is conceivable that your hubs will reach that temp or beyond (mine did). When this happens, all the Loctite goes away and the studs can loosen (mine did) and the lug nuts require tightening every run! The ARP studs are the best way to go even though you will have to remove your hubs to install them. BTW, the best price I found on lug nuts was from the local auto parts store that carries Dorman. Good luck, Chuck
Originally posted by Tak:
Not sure why you need 3" long...
I know this is an old thread but it came up while searching for a good way of keeping my screw in studs tight on my '83 RX-7. I'll go with the red loctite but what torque do you use?