RX7 - 12A locked up


New member
my RX-7 with a 12A engine is locked up tighter than a drum. When I was running it last it was running extremely rich. When I looked at the carb gas was being forced down the venturis, apparently overcoming the floats. It seemed like the fuel pressure had gone crazy and was forcing gas into the engine. Anyhow, the engine was running (barely) when this was happening. After I shut it off to investigate, the next time I tried the engine was locked solid. I don't know much about the wankel's, but I did have an old VW bus where a carb would fail every once in a while and fill a cylinder full of gas. This would lock up the engine since the gas couldn't be compressed. I would turn the engine over by hand and bleed the gas down the rings and into the crankcase. It feels like a similar deal (yes, I know the rotary doesn't have cylinders). Is it possible that a chamber has filled with gas? When I took the plugs out nothing came out. Also, the oil leve in the engine is normal.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I am not sure about a pocket of fuel preventing the engine from turning over. Has the engine sat for a long period of time? I have heard of the apex seals rusting to the side of the housing which could prevent it from turning.
I hydrolocked one once because of the same deal... floats stuck and flooded the motor (to the point that it was coming out the top of the carb)

Try rocking the motor back and forth with a breaker bar (more "forth" than back so as not to break the pully bolt loose). If it moves, you're "in luck" Pull the plugs and the exaust manifold. Keep moving it a little at a time and sooner or later you'll get to a port.

Good luck!

Get those floats fixed or an off switch on the fuel pump! :D
<snip> Try rocking the motor back and forth with a breaker bar (more "forth" than back so as not to break the pully bolt loose). If it moves, you're "in luck" Pull the plugs and the exaust manifold. Keep moving it a little at a time and sooner or later you'll get to a port. <snip> [/b]

Have any luck?????

I've never had this happen, but pulling all the plugs and rocking the motor with a breaker bar (gently) seems to make sense. I'd be inclined to say 'more "back" than "forth"', though, since forward rotation will tend to compress the chamber.

Hoping for the best!
Popular lubricants to unlock engines are PB blaster, and ATF is often used to aid compression for a washed down engine. Beware the copious smoke upon startup. It will cover the neighborhood, AND last for a half hour, LOL.