Safety Equipment - Helmet Eject


New member
Quick question... Came across a product that helps remove your helmet if you might have hurt your neck/back. Looks like it is mandatory by the IRL.

Do SCCA safetry crews have the ability to take advantage of this piece of equipment? If not, i would be happy to get the helmet bladder and the bulb/inflator and give the inflator to someone who might use it on me should I ever need it...

Required in Grand-AM, too.

I sincerely doubt our local folks have the inflator (I don't know for sure), so if you buy/use one of these it's in your best interest to have an inflator handy with you at all in the car...
got one... installed... feels no different

HMS Montorsports sold one to NHMS.

To whom to I donate my inflateor to make sure that I have access to it if I would ever need it or someone else would need it?

God forbid overall, but in reality it is always better to be prepared.

The problem, Brad, is that you're going to want it available at all tracks you run, but Rescue and Medical services are typically provided under contract by the track. That means that if you give it to the guys at NHMS, the folks at LRP won't have it.

I suggest taking Jeff's suggestion, and attaching it in your car in some very conspicuous way for Rescue to find. I also strongly encourage taking the time at each track to intro yourself to the Rescue and Medical personnel, and demonstrating the product to each of them. - GA
Fortunately, the EV folks at Summit Point should have all the equipment necessary to operate the Eject system - both Shock Doctor (the manufacturer of Eject) and a certain Motorsports Safety Equipment vendor who has a shop on Summit Point's property provided them with EMT/First Responder kits.
Thanks for all the feedback and the good input that each crew at tracks are seperate.

I will be at NHMS this coming weekend and will talk with people and I will cover Lime Rock on 10/3.

The Eject system is definitely on the far end of the "oh no" perspective, but I hope that others might see the potential value. I will make it clear what I have at each race until each track has one.

Hopefully i will never use it... but i promised by 7 yo daughter I would do most everything that I could to be safe!