SCCA Championships


New member
I was wondering what the list was of different championships that can be won throughout the Improved Touring world across the country. If you can help generate the list that would be great!!!

Example: championships that I have competed in...
  • New England Road Racing Championship (NERRC)
  • New York State Road Racing Championship (NYSRRC)
  • North Atlantic Road Racing Championship (NARRC)
  • NARRC Runoffs Champion
  • ARRC Sprint Race Champion
  • ARRC Endurance Race Champion
Southern Montana Intra-Region Championship (SMIRC)

No - not really. :)

But I was a Montana Region member for a long time, in protest of some leadership issues in NW Region...

Pro IT Championship in Atlanta Region
ECR Series - endurance race series in SEDIV
Carolina Cup in North Carolina, Central Carolina, and South Carolina regions
Friday afternoon rush hour on the San Diego Freeway. Don't recall the sanction number, but I do remember the top speeds were low.
Seriously, we used to have the Pacific Coast Road Racing Championship (PCRRC) at Sears Point. I don't know if it lives on in some form now.

The ICSCC runs the IT classes so one could win championships there, including individual club awards - International Race Drivers Club, Cascade Sports Car Club, SCCBC, etc...

My kid won the derby overall last year - a proud moment. He now trains regularly on our go-kart track at home. He can whip everybody - big kids and grownups - 8 years old and already wants a car!