SCCA "Mini" Convention - Advertising Opportunities

gran racing

Super Moderator
If you haven’t heard, the South Jersey Region is hosting the Northeast Division SCCA "Mini" Convention being held on November 10-12, 2006, at the Clarion Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ.

There are still opportunities to advertise your business at the convention. One of the options is to put an advertisement on one of the 24x36 posters to be placed outside each of the Salons, A-D. Beyond the marketing benefits you’d receive, your advertising dollars are also helping to support the convention and SCCA.

I’ve spoken with Dave who is helping to coordinate the event, and the convention sounds very interesting. Here’s a schedule for the event: Schedule

There’s also some additional information on Dave’s site: Emwavy's site
To learn how your business can be involved, contact Dave (another Dave, not me) at [email protected] or at 609-704-1996.

Since this is benefiting SCCA and not another business, I figured it would be o.k. to post this. Hopefully that’s cool.

Dave Gran
If you haven’t heard, the South Jersey Region is hosting the Northeast Division SCCA "Mini" Convention being held on November 10-12, 2006, at the Clarion Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ.[/b]

The weekend of the ARRC in Atlanta...??? Boy, maybe I should plan to attend the NER banquet on New Year's Eve...?

Yet when the banquests and mini-con were scheduled in the late winter/early spring of the next year, people were quite vocal about complaining that they should have been held as soon as the season was over, that was too long to wait, it was the next racing season already, they were on vacation, it conflicted with the holidays........... <_<

In reference to what you herd last year... I think that the NARRC Banquett should be at the NARRC Runoffs Saturday night after the event is over in one of the chalets. It would encourage attendance, and it would encourage participents to stay and watch other racers. I see no reason that it could not be held that night at 7:00pm or 8:00pm.

Just my thought to make a somewhat class act event the best event on the east coast!!!

Ray - While that would be nice, there are drawbacks to that as well. People have a long tow home and would want to leave, they might have broken, had a bad day, it's wet and cold, etc,etc.,
I remember when they banquets were held at a different time of the year, mostly late winter. Someone always complained. So they switched the scheduling to late fall. And different people are complaining now.
There just isn't any way possible to make everyone happy.

And Jake, the NARRC race is over, so that season is done. And, except for us lowly IT folks, the rest of the SCCA club world has had their runoffs already. So, they cater to the majority I guess.
Hey, I can't make either one of these due to work (this is a tough time of year to get time off) And I'd have liked to have gone to the Mini-con (mostly to bitch regarding race groupings, I have to confess... :P ) and possibly the NAARC banquet (so I can throw rolls at everyone)
But that's life.
They'll probably move them again for a few years until enough people complain again.... :rolleyes:
Hmmmm....I'd love to go to the ARRC, but can't because of work.....maybe if I bitch long and loud, they'll switch it to a better time of year for me... like the week between Christmas and New Years! :happy204: