School at HPT March 31


New member
I haven't found a registration site for this School/Regional event.

Anyone know?

Pretty sure car won't be ready in time for St Louis.


registration is not open yet. i'm not sure when it will be either. i'll try and remember to post it up here when it opens, as i'll be attending this event as well.

are you a new driver? what car are you driving?
New, first-time driver. Been soloing and "performance driving" for a few years. Timing and scoring license with SCCA for a few also.

ITB 1984 VW GTI.

Had just planned to do the school at MAM (30 minutes away) in September, but the car has been dependable and all I needed to get past tech is the safety stuff. Custom cage will start next week. Just rounding up the other safety stuff now.

Car won't be completely fined tuned (no engine work except exhaust) till later, I'm just concerned with reliability and getting seat time for now.

She won't be real purdy, but she's alotta fun already! :eclipsee_steering:
good to hear that other IT classes besides 'A' is starting to fill up in the division. might as well be called ITVW around here though.
registration forms are up. online registration will be up eventually, as there are some "technical" difficulties.

i'm sitting this one out after all. i'll likely be there on sun to watch the race, but as usual, i'm starting the season about 6 races behind everyone else. :(
i'm sitting this one out after all. i'll likely be there on sun to watch the race, but as usual, i'm starting the season about 6 races behind everyone else. :(

You won't be the only one behind..... :mad1:
what happened? car not ready?

Ugh. Not by a long shot. We got a late start, my mechanic/crew chief/co-driver has been travelling for work 3 out of the last 7 weeks, and I've had the creeping crud for 2 weeks now and it's been kicking my @ss. I'm finally ready to take it over to the cage guy, though. :026:

I ordered some parts today, and I should be getting the engine to the shop at the beginning of next week. :happy204:
Travis ...

Come out and volunteer ... flaggers always appreciated And, any other specialty too.

It's the best seat in the house (well, okay, behind those guys that get to drive)!

Kelley Huxtable
"Worker Bee"
sorry kelley, i can't get there in time.

i've got a conflicting event in KC that weekend, hence my non-entry (well, and the new entry fees).
Just a note here to say that I found this to be a GREAT school. Weather did not cooperate. Rain off and on, cold, slick track. And being a newbie, we had way to much pressure in our NEW tires. One 360 spin, one 180 spin and one more off-track excursion through the bus stop at turns 8-9 (a right of passage, I believe).

Instructors were great, forgiving, understanding and VERY encouraging. Had four disappointing sessions, back my race/practice starts session went great.

Kent Prather was my instructor :026: Gave me my certificate and a waiver recommendation so that I could race on Sunday!

Chief Steward was not so inclined. No waiver, so we just watched the races Sunday.

My first time on this track, first time bumper-to-bumper. I was pretty intimidated going into this. Came out of it confident and ready to race, thanks to the quality of the school and instruction received.

Unfortunately the next school will not be until September at MAM. Not sure I can stand "mere" track days until then.

See you out there on-track! :OLA:
Kent Prather was my instructor :026: Gave me my certificate and a waiver recommendation so that I could race on Sunday!
Chief Steward was not so inclined. No waiver, so we just watched the races Sunday.

WOW, you've got to be kidding !!!! A six-time National Champion says that you're good enough to race, but the Chief Stew says no thanks. Who is a better expert on your driving skills...........

Unbelievable. :wacko: Glad you had a good school, sounds like you enjoyed yourself.
Hehe, you're right, unbelievable. But the CS was correct that I did not have any prior experience running door-to-door, so I didn't argue.

BTW, Kent's son Jesse was the Drivers School Chief Instructor. We got a pretty good education.
I understand that you may not have had any W2W experience. But when your driving instructor says he thinks you are good enough for a waiver to race, he is saying that HE feels you are good enough to be on track. And he would feel comfortable racing with you.

Oh well, welcome to the club. You're in for a great ride. And yes the entire Prather family are a class act.