Seat ?


New member
I know not RX again but I need some help on seats, I am going to purchase one today and I am still up in the air about what kind to purchase, I am used to the old circle track kirkey etc. but these new style off street racing seats sparco, Momo etc. look appealing, question is are there some brands out there that maybe I am not seeing that you guys know about Good deals etc. also I want to keep my car SCCA legal so any help would be appreciated.
There are lots of great seats, but the MOMO line seems to have a good value seat in the "Rookie", or "Starter" seat (Can't remeber which is the current name for it). I think it's one of the most inexpensive certified seats, which means you don't need the backbrace.

First rule of seats, make sure it FITS! Flopping around in a looose seat will hurt you.
It's the MOMO Start seat that is the best bang for your buck for an FIA rating. I recently got one from LTB Motorsports for under $300 shipped (2006 model) - he's on ebay and on the web. I have my Kirkey alum seat up on ebay right now along with R/L head restraint and the required seat back brace if you are interested.