service manual NLA letter


New member
Hey All.

Have any of you ever been asked to present the letter of proof that the oem service manual is NLA? I am asking for both E30 and E36.

Getting annual tech this weekend, and dont want to get denied on something stupid like that. if any of you do have one for either e30 or e36, would you be willing to fax me a copy? or email me a scanned copy?


wade powell
fax - 630-495-7764 ( address it to wadep )
[email protected]
As far as I know they are still available... in microfiche.

That's what I had for my ITB 320, and now the E36. I do bring a tiny microscope, but really it's useless at the tech shed except to satisfy the rule.

i used a bentley's for my e30 manual requirement and it passed tech. intend to do the same for my e36.
[ Bentley's is a great manual, but technically it does not satisfy the requirement.

Exactly. Thats why I was looking for the letter. The guy I bought my e36 from has the letter for it, but misplaced it. Just did the annual tech last weekend, and he never asked for it ( or any manual ), so that was good. I will just have to stop by the dealer and get one made up for both cars. At this point, its pretty much commonly accepted that they are not available, and the bentley will work among inspectors, but every once in a while you may encounter that hard a$$.


I've was involved in a protest, where the other guy wasn't required to produce a factory manual, and was able to get away with whatever cam duration he wanted since the spec wasn't in the manual he did have.
The tech inspectors are irresponsible for letting other manuals through (as is the dealer for supplying an incorrect NLA letter).
