Shop Space in/around Charlotte?


New member
I was wondering if anybody in or around the Charlotte area has shop space available for rent. I need a place to store/work on my ITA Integra and our open trailer. If anybody knows of any, or has information can post here or email me at: [email protected]. TIA!
Originally posted by Racerboy03@Sep 30 2005, 12:59 AM
I was wondering if anybody in or around the Charlotte area has shop space available for rent. I need a place to store/work on my ITA Integra and our open trailer. If anybody knows of any, or has information can post here or email me at: [email protected]. TIA!
Contact Bob Saville, Exclusive Motors, Inc. in Charlotte on Independence. I have spoken to him about this very topic (more for trailer stowage alone but he mentioned I could possibly store the car there as well). I don't have a work email for him so if you have any problems getting ahold of him via the company name / location, shoot me an email/PM here and I can provide you with additional contact.

I plan to go out there this week to check it out for myself so if I can answer any questions by say Tues/Wed, let me know.

Good to see another ITA car in the area.
Originally posted by Racerboy03@Oct 3 2005, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the info Adam, I will check that out. What is your email address? thanks.

Hey Mark, got a work email for Bob today, you can reach him at bob (at) (obviously replace the (at) w/ an @). Best of luck and drop me a line and let me know if it does work for you.

Oh and you can reach me via PM/email here (pretty cool the revamp here).