Charles Perry
New member
Well boys, looks like we have everyone coming to the party. Should be a great weekend. Close race for the points.
With 11 entries so far the ITS race is shaping up to be one of the more interesting of all the IT group."
David Spillman. With this being his tune up for the ARRC look for him to be FAST! So going out on a limb here my picks are Spillman for the race, Charbonneau for the Champ.
Well I think it does affect you guys
Or at least it might when I do all thats in my power to block you from passing me into 1, cause you might hold me up 2-6 if I let you by
hey, I used the word "might".
Plus, I will not necessarily be the fastest ITA car there next weekend. The ITA Meoters *should* be faster then me
I think you've also had a sort of different ITA/ITS experience this year than the norm. As far as I can recall the really fast ITS cars have been mostly absent when you have been running. Steve Parrish was broken at Roebling last time, Steve E wasn't running, Jeff Young was broken, Ira was MIA, Flynn MIA, Williams MIA, Spillman MIA, and Perry was chasing evil handling all weekend/year.
Don't wanna be a road block Spillman....
I'm studying your tapes for the ARRC. Along with Chet's old tapes.