Smog control removal


New member
I have a 90CRX with a B16 that I am turning into a track only car.
I would very much like to clean up the mess under the hood and remove any and all un-needed wiring, vacuum lines, and smog stuff. The problem is I just don't know where to start.
If anyone could post pictures or directions I would be very grateful.

Thank You

You do not have a car that meets the rules for Improved Touring-enginewise. It is fine to have this swap for a car used for HPDE and certain autocross classes. With that said-you need to refer to the Helm Manual(s) for the car and engine that are in it. You can also search on on this and several other boards for the how to in general. You will find that you will need a catch can of some sort to replace what was there.
Finally: IT is ILLEGAL to remove ANY portion of the Emission Control system-if this is a street driven car.