So, maybe we won't fix what's wrong....

“Based on the member input we received following the release of the May Board minutes, it was clear that the path we had chosen for class consolidation was not supported across the membership,” SCCA Board of Directors Chairman R.J. Gordy said. “The Board strives to improve our activities for the membership, and receiving input is a critical part of the process. It is important to note that, while we have rescinded some of the items approved in May, many of the other items approved have gained considerable support and we are making positive progress.”

Sounds like they had input from the membership on it?
“Based on the member input we received following the release of the May Board minutes, it was clear that the path we had chosen for class consolidation was not supported across the membership,” SCCA Board of Directors Chairman R.J. Gordy said. “The Board strives to improve our activities for the membership, and receiving input is a critical part of the process. It is important to note that, while we have rescinded some of the items approved in May, many of the other items approved have gained considerable support and we are making positive progress.”

Sounds like they had input from the membership on it?

of course they had input from membership on it. i'd bet a brand new set of tires that the overwhelming majority of the input not in favor of it was from the very classes being consolidated. what else did the CRB/BOD expect?

Some class consolidation is indicted And the SCCA also needs to stop inventing new national classes. But in my opinion, the plan that they had voted on was really screwed up and needed to be rescinded.

I'm all the more thankful now that Improved Touring isn't involved in National Racing/ Runoffs politics.
What was the name of the guy the club hired in 89 or 90 that was going to "show the way"? Seems like it was Petty, but I don't recall. He came to PHX and talked to us one night about reshaping club racing with new cars and new blood. The only blood that came about was his when racers found out it was their classes that were targeted (seems like it was prod cars and GT even back then).

2 tier(nat'l and regional) racing is here to stay (maybe) and that's probably ok. No national for IT and that is the way it has been since the classes were introduced. So there is one thing that is consistent.

The one thing that is not clear to me is the goal. If the goal is the 24 most heavily subscribed classes at the run-offs each year, then let's put it in stone over the doorway at HQ and let everyone touch it on the way in each morning. Sorta like the rock at Clemson.

If the goal is the best show at the run offs for the spectators and the TV audience, then say it.

Vision -- Strategy -- Projects -- Tactics. These things should be the basic building blocks for the future of the club. And these should support the actions of the regions and vice versa.
Some class consolidation is indicted And the SCCA also needs to stop inventing new national classes. But in my opinion, the plan that they had voted on was really screwed up and needed to be rescinded.

I'm all the more thankful now that Improved Touring isn't involved in National Racing/ Runoffs politics.

that's exactly my point. in ANY consolidation plan worth a crap, there's going to be pissed off people.

pissing off a few people, and hell, even losing some members in return for fewer BS classes that take up track time, screw up run groups, are embarassing to explain to general observer, even more pathetic to put on TV, and just generally get in the way of making real positive change is totally worth it.

hell, i'd even argue that the club would be better off without the members that keep getting in the way of consolidating SS into T, D & CSR, etc.

our foot has gangrene, cut the damn thing off. :mad:
that's exactly my point. in ANY consolidation plan worth a crap, there's going to be pissed off people.

pissing off a few people, and hell, even losing some members in return for fewer BS classes that take up track time, screw up run groups, are embarassing to explain to general observer, even more pathetic to put on TV, and just generally get in the way of making real positive change is totally worth it.

hell, i'd even argue that the club would be better off without the members that keep getting in the way of consolidating SS into T, D & CSR, etc.

our foot has gangrene, cut the damn thing off. :mad:

Well put.

I'll say it again...the club needs to let the magic of the open market choose it's course.

Runoffs: open to all National classes. Top 20(?) get to go.

Result. Real classes that people care enough about to show up actually run. Other classes will find a way to survive, through some form of consolidation or change or will wither. Natural selection.

Unless racers are put in the position of deciding their own fate, it will be a finger pointing whine session. Telling them how to consolidate will spin out of control and alienate all. Allowing them to consolidate, well, that's a different story...;) Make ONE rule, and let the chips fall where they may. Best for everyone.