Matt- From the sounds of it, it seems like an ideal stepping stone. Years ago I did a few time trials at our local track, Lime Rock, and also at Bridgehampton. Man, was I sold!
The problem was, that the clubs organizing the events provided instructors to "check me out". Imagine if you can,as a total rookie who never turned a wheel on a track before, that I take a few tentative laps at Bridgehampton in a "follow along", then a few by myself before the instructor is available. Once in the car we do and out lap, then a flying lap, and he instructs me to pull in on that lap. UH oh! He unbuckles, and I ask, "So...what are the big things I should work on first?" (Hoping I wasn't getting booted for a total lack of talent!). He replies " know what you're doing...looked good to me" and with that they moved me up two groups! Now, I know that even today a good instructor could tear me to shreds! So what was up with that???
Well, first, I just don't think he was that proficient as an instructor, and they were probably understaffed.
The point is that the infra structure and manpower needs to be there, because this interim level is both a training ground as well as an end unto itself.
Proper instruction and enough of it will be key to the future of SCCA ametuer road racing.
I have instructed both at driving schools, and at SCCA run "driving clinics". The clinic was pretty successful from what I could see.
From our regions point of view though, putting on more events will run into two major issues.
First, where? The local tracks are largely rented out, and for big bucks. So any event needs to be a surefire money maker. The Solo1 community is in a constant struggle to find and keep event sites that are appropriate for Solo1 speeds, not to mention Solo2 speeds.
Second, is the manpower. As it is, we (NER and the other local regions) staff lots of events, both Regional and National, as well as a number of Pro events (Speed World Challenge/NASCAR and ALMS) and the toll it takes on the worker base is tough. (The pro events we do are at the request of the local track and it's a complicated relationship). On top of that, the marque clubs, and other event organizers, tap into the SCCA worker base and pay them for their time. So we actually have competition in keeping our own trained workers!
IF we can find alternate staff, or man the corners with drivers who aren't running, or on deck, we could have a winner on our hands.
I think that it's a really important issue, and we do need a solution. But I don't think it will be an easy one.
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited January 03, 2005).]