I got one of these about 9 years ago and within a few months/year or two, it was nasty and I was stuck figuring out how to remove 10 gallons of solvent from the tub that only had a plug in the bottom. I had visions of a huge mess with alot if not most going on the floor. After a few years of procrastinating I found the problem had solved it's self. I found a thing online about a cheap and relatively simple mod to make it cleanable, more useable and require less solvent to work.
I welded a 1-1/2" close nipple to the bottom of the tub, beat the snot out of the area inside the fitting, and then drilled a bunch of 1/4" holes in the depressed area. I then put a tee on the close nipple with the other two holes facing straight down and lateral. The straight down gets another nipple and either a cap or better yet a ball valve. This is the big trash clean out. The lateral gets a section of pipe and then a wye down into a 5 gallon bucket. The pump goes in the bucket, sitting on a 3" metal support. This keeps the sludge from getting recirculated. The lateral part of the wye gets another cap to serve as a cleanout. I had to cut two holes in the shelf of the parts washer, one for the bucket, and one for the ball valve. This set-up works great, is much easier to clean and requires only 3-4 gallons to run well. I have not had to clean it out yet, but the solvent stays cleaner than what I had before. Right now I am using a plastic bucket, and that may have to change. I will see how that plastic holds up. I have an old metal bucket from the first batch, if I need.